Not to be missed in the onsite museum is a set of marble statues that portrays Emperor Claudius and his family. This ticket covers entry to the Domvs Romana Museum as well as two other attractions in Mdina: the National Museum of Natural History and the St Paul’s Catacombs. Save money by getting yourself a Rabat & Mdina Multi-Site Ticket. Using the remains of the house and artefacts found here, and at other sites in the area, the museum explores the setting of a Roman domestic household. domus, plural domus, private family residence of modest to palatial proportions, found primarily in ancient Rome and Pompeii. Over the years the museum has been substantially remodelled and enlarged, and the displays have been significantly modernised, the most recent being in 2011. Besides housing the Roman artefacts found in and around Mdina, Roman artefacts found thrughout the island were brought here, resulting in an impressive collection of local and imported objects. The Domvs Romana Museum is the oldest purpose-built archaeological museum in Malta, it opened to the public in 1882 – having been constructed to protect the mosaics. Although very little remains from the house itself, the intricate mosaics which survived for centuries as well as the artefacts found within the remains are testimony enough of. This mosaic and the mosaic floors of two adjacent rooms are well preserved, and have been left on display in situ. Domus Romana The small museum of the Domvs Romana is built around the remains of a rich, aristocratic roman town house (domvs) which was accidentally discovered in 1881. At the centre of the house is a peristyle courtyard, with a mosaic floor. The spectacular polychrome mosaic floors and the artefacts recovered during excavations indicate the domus belonged to a rich aristocrat. In 1881, quite by chance, the remains of a Roman town house were discovered just beyond the Medieval walls of Mdina.
Costs include 4 star accommodation, 2 meals each day, transport to/from site, and free access to Heritage Malta sites and lecture on various aspects of archaeological excavations methods archaeological science and digital archaeology.The mosaic in the peristyle courtyard. The field school entails 4 weeks of archaeological fieldwork, classification, analysis and emergency restoration of ancient artifacts and application of 3D scanning and digital photogrammetry to archaeological contexts.Ĭost: 1,200 euros per week, 4,000 for all 4 weeks. The proposal that is being drawn up will include thorough processes and procedures for the protection and conservation of the site after the field season has concluded as well as a rigorous publication expectation. Our project, though only in the field for short research and excavation seasons, will continue to work on the data and materials from our research year round. We also hope to answer a number of broader questions we have regarding links of the Domus and the surrounding structures to local trade, including the possibility of the Roman use or control of earlier Phoenician trade structures.

Furthermore we hope to determine a possible role of the Domus in that landscape including is place in the Roman settlement and agricultural function of the region as well as its significance to the Roman settlement at Melite. The Project, for our intentions, aims to establish the extent of the roman archaeological landscape in which the Domus sits. Once known as the Roman city of Melite, Mdina is contiguous to the site. This archaeology needs a great deal of further research and re-excavation, as does the open ground beyond the Domus Romana that continues below the city of Mdina. y comienzos del siglo I d.C. These excavations dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries uncovered the remains of a road passing by the structure as well as a number of other buildings and features lining the road. La Superintendencia para los Bienes Arqueológicos de Toscana ha anunciado el descubrimiento de una domus romana, fechada entre finales del siglo I a.C. The archaeological landscape surrounding the house has been excavated to some extent close to the structure of the domus. In Roma antiqua, divites non in insulis sed in domibus habitabant. Hodie servus sum et de domo Romana discetis. Although very little remains from the house itself, the intricate mosaics which survived for centuries as well as the artefacts found within the remains are testimony enough of the original richness and story of this fantastic abode. Salvete plurimum Nomen mihi est Magister Craft.

The Domus Romana in Rabat, Malta is the remains of a rich, aristocratic roman town house (domvs) which was accidentally discovered in 1881. Heritage Malta, University of South Florida, Intercontinental Archaeology